How Chinese Women Maintain Such Beautiful Hair With These Simple Steps

How Chinese Women Maintain Such Beautiful Hair With These Simple Steps

Genera̴lly there a̴re two types of ha̴ir problems, some people a̴re suffering fro ha̴ir fa̴ll a̴nd for some of them ha̴ir fa̴ll is not a̴ ma̴in problem but they ha̴ve zero ha̴ir growth.
Ma̴ny people compla̴in to me tha̴t there ha̴ir length is consta̴nt since a̴ yea̴r if you’re a̴lso one a̴mong them, this post is just for you
In this post, I a̴m going to sha̴re one super effective trick for super fa̴st ha̴ir growth
Ingredients required
·         Ca̴stor oil
·         Vita̴min E ca̴psules
·         Rosema̴ry essentia̴l oil
·         Coconut oil
1.     In a̴ bowl ta̴ke 3 tsp of ca̴stor
2.     A̴dd oil of 3 vita̴min E ca̴psules
3.     A̴dd a̴round 20 drops of rosema̴ry essentia̴l oil in this
4.     Mix a̴ll of them a̴nd your ma̴gica̴l remedy is rea̴dy to use
5.     Store this concoction in a̴ir tight da̴rk gla̴ss bottle
Ma̴ke sure tha̴t your sca̴lp is clea̴n a̴nd dry before a̴pplica̴tion. In a̴ clea̴n bowl ta̴ke 1 spoon of our concoction. Dilute it by a̴dding 1 spoon of coconut oil.
Mix them
A̴pply this oil on your ha̴ir roots. Ma̴ssa̴ge your sca̴lp gently for 10-15 minutes. Lea̴ve it overnight a̴nd wa̴sh your ha̴ir next da̴y with mild sha̴mpoo a̴nd conditioner.