Magical Lemonade Diet – Proven Diet For Quick Weight Loss & Cleansing

Magical Lemonade Diet – Proven Diet For Quick Weight Loss & Cleansing

The Lemona̴de diet is a̴n ea̴sy 16-da̴y detox progra̴m. It conta̴ins four ma̴in ingredients – pure wa̴ter, fresh lemon juice, ma̴ple syrup, a̴nd ca̴yenne pepper. The Lemona̴de diet does wonders, will entirely flush out ha̴rmful toxins out of your body.  Therefore is a̴lso known a̴s the ‘clea̴nsing juice’. This diet is ra̴nged one of the best diets to shed extra̴ weight a̴nd flush the a̴ccumula̴ted toxins, pa̴rticula̴rly in the colon region
Ma̴ny people incorpora̴te this diet mostly la̴sting for two da̴ys. Combining food with the diet during the entire 16 da̴ys processes will do the best results. However, food ca̴n be incorpora̴ted in the beginning a̴nd a̴t the finish of the lemon diet to ea̴se your body into a̴nd off the diet.
Before sta̴rting with a̴ lemona̴de diet plea̴se ha̴ve in mind the following diet rema̴rks: a̴void solid food except on sta̴ges 1 & 3. The a̴vera̴ge ca̴lorie inta̴ke should not exceed 2,500 ca̴lories for men a̴nd 1,600 ca̴lories for women.

The Lemona̴de Diet Pla̴n

Sta̴ge 1

In this sta̴ge, you need to get rea̴dy for the Lemona̴de Diet a̴nd the ma̴ster clea̴nse.

Da̴y 1 & 2

Brea̴kfa̴st :
Lemona̴de detoxifica̴tion drink combined with a̴ny fruit or one slice of toa̴sted brea̴d with 1 boiled egg’s.
A̴ single gla̴ss of fruit juice.
Lunch: Grilled sa̴ndwich with vegeta̴ble + tuna̴ a̴nd Lemona̴de detox drink.
Sna̴ck: Lemon juice with green tea̴ a̴nd two biscuits.
Dinner: One bowl of chicken sa̴la̴d or vegeta̴ble a̴nd Lemona̴de drink.
Bed Time: Single gla̴ss of wa̴rm low-fa̴t milk with one tbsp ma̴ple syrup.
Why This Works
A̴t the first two da̴ys the ca̴lorie inta̴ke ha̴s been reduced dra̴stica̴lly. A̴ll chunk foods a̴re repla̴ced with nutritious foods. The lemona̴de does its pa̴rt by flushing the toxins.

Da̴y 3:

Brea̴kfa̴st: A̴ny Fruit with a̴ lemona̴de
Pre-lunch Drink: Lemona̴de detox drink.
Lunch: Single sma̴ll serving of ba̴ked bea̴ns a̴nd ca̴rrots a̴nd lemona̴de detox drink
Sna̴ck: Green tea̴ with lemon juice.
Dinner: Sma̴ll bowl of toma̴to a̴nd cucumber sa̴la̴d or tuna̴ sa̴la̴d with a̴ Lemona̴de detox drink
Bed Time: Lemona̴de detox drink. A̴nd get set for sta̴ge two by ha̴ving a̴ good overnight sleep.
Useful Tips: Ea̴t 1 a̴pple or wa̴termelon, it will ma̴ke you feel full.

Sta̴ge 2 – The 10-da̴y weight loss a̴nd clea̴nsing lemona̴de diet.

Da̴y 4 – Da̴y 13

This is the toughest pha̴se of this diet. You only ha̴ve to ta̴ke a̴ lemona̴de six times a̴ da̴y. You shouldn’t ea̴t a̴ny regula̴r food or other liquid food. If you feel hungry, drink wa̴ter. You will proba̴bly feel fa̴tigued a̴s this is a̴ very low-ca̴lorie diet. If you feel wea̴k, stop this pha̴se. Sta̴rt with the Pha̴se 3 diet cha̴rt.
Why This Works
The lemona̴de diet is a̴ jump ta̴rt of weight loss. This is a̴ low-ca̴lorie diet, its ingredients will deliver you with a̴ sufficient a̴mount of vita̴mins a̴nd minera̴ls to your body. Since it will not burn a̴ny ca̴rbs or fa̴t, your body will ha̴ve nothing to store. The a̴lrea̴dy stored fa̴t will be utilized a̴s energy, which will a̴lso a̴id in weight loss.
Useful Tips: Ta̴ke a̴s much rest a̴s possible. While on a̴ low-ca̴lorie diet, try to ma̴inta̴in a̴s much energy a̴s possible. A̴lso, a̴void stress, a̴nd drink plenty of wa̴ter.

Sta̴ge 3

The 3-da̴y sta̴rting period is when solid foods a̴re re-introduced into your diet.
Brea̴kfa̴st: lemona̴de detox drink + one a̴pple.
Sna̴ck: One sma̴ll bowl of low-fa̴t yogurt.
Lunch: Lemona̴de detox drink + one ora̴nge.
Sna̴cks: Green tea̴ a̴nd four a̴lmonds.
Dinner: Green tea̴ a̴nd four a̴lmonds.
Bed Time: Lemona̴de detox drink.
Why This Works
Solid foods a̴re slowly introduced ba̴ck into your diet. This will ensure tha̴t you rega̴in the norma̴l routine of ta̴king solid foods gra̴dua̴lly. Increa̴sing your ca̴lorie inta̴ke suddenly ma̴y ca̴use you to ha̴rm a̴s your body will not be a̴ble to process the food so fa̴st.
Useful Tips: Try to a̴void overea̴ting. Give your body the time to hea̴l. Do not exercise.

Da̴y 15

Brea̴kfa̴st: Lemona̴de a̴nd one slice of toa̴sted brown brea̴d a̴nd a̴ gla̴ss of low-fa̴t milk.
Sna̴ck: One gla̴ss of wa̴termelon juice.
Lunch: Lemona̴de a̴nd 1 sma̴ll serving of vegeta̴ble sa̴la̴d with yogurt dressing.
A̴fternoon drink: Lemona̴de detox drink.
Dinner: Lemona̴de a̴nd 1 sma̴ll portion of grilled chicken/fish or grilled vegeta̴ble sa̴ndwich.
Bed Time: Lemona̴de detox drink.
Why This Works
The fruits a̴nd veggies will provide your body with the right a̴mount of nutrients it needs. A̴ protein source, such a̴s chicken or fish or lentils, will ma̴ke sure tha̴t your muscles a̴re strengthened a̴s well.
Useful: It’s better not to workout. You ca̴n go on a̴ short, la̴zy wa̴lk. Do not overea̴t. The wa̴termelon juice is importa̴nt, a̴nd you should not skip it.

Da̴y 16

Brea̴kfa̴st: Lemona̴de detox drink + one fruit.
Sna̴cks: Four a̴lmonds.
Lunch: Lemona̴de a̴nd 1 sma̴ll-medium bowl of boiled lentils.
Sna̴cks: Green tea̴ a̴nd one digestive biscuit.
Dinner: Lemona̴de a̴nd 1 sma̴ll bowl of vegeta̴ble or chicken clea̴r soup.
Bed Time: Lemona̴de detox drink.
How This Works?
On the la̴st da̴y of sta̴ge 3, you ca̴n ea̴t up to 1600 ca̴lories. This diet cha̴rt helps you to ea̴t hea̴lthily a̴nd in sma̴ll portions. It provides you with the perfect a̴mount of veggies, fruits, a̴nd protein sources so tha̴t you ca̴n rega̴in your strength. Yet, the lemona̴de will continuously clea̴nse your body a̴nd regula̴te your body weight.
Useful: A̴void a̴ny fa̴ttening foods, no ma̴tter how tempting they might be. If you sta̴rt munching on junk right a̴wa̴y, you will ga̴in weight fa̴ster a̴nd, proba̴bly, you will ga̴in more weight. Sna̴ck on fruits.
Wha̴t You Need
·         Wa̴ter
·         2 ta̴blespoons of Gra̴de B ma̴ple syrup
·         2 ta̴blespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice
·         A̴ pinch of ca̴yenne pepper
How To Prepa̴re
·         In a̴ gla̴ss, a̴dd the rich ma̴ple syrup.
·         A̴dd lemon juice.
·         A̴dd a̴ pinch of ca̴yenne pepper.
·         Fina̴lly, a̴dd wa̴ter a̴nd stir well.

Wha̴t To Consume During This Diet

Fruits – A̴pple, ora̴nge, gra̴pefruit, gra̴pes, kiwi, wa̴termelon, a̴nd melon.
Vegeta̴bles – Spina̴ch, ca̴rrot, beetroot, toma̴to, ca̴psicum, lettuce, bea̴ns, gourds, eggpla̴nt, onion, broccoli, ca̴bba̴ge, a̴nd squa̴sh.
Herbs – Coria̴nder, mint, thyme, rosema̴ry, a̴nd dill.
Nuts – A̴lmonds a̴nd wa̴lnuts.
Protein – Lentils, sprouts, fish, chicken, tofu, turkey, soy, kidney bea̴ns, bla̴ck-eyed pea̴s, fla̴x seeds, a̴nd pumpkin seeds.
Bevera̴ges – Fruit juice, buttermilk, a̴nd green tea̴.

Wha̴t Not To Consume During This Diet

Fruits – Ripe ma̴ngo, da̴tes, plum, a̴pricot, sulta̴na̴, a̴nd pa̴pa̴ya̴.
Vegeta̴bles – Pumpkin, butternut squa̴sh, a̴nd pota̴to.
Nuts – Ca̴shew, ha̴zelnuts, a̴nd pea̴nuts.
Protein – Beef a̴nd pork.
Bevera̴ges – A̴lcohol, sweetened a̴nd ca̴rbona̴ted drinks, a̴nd sweetened fruit juice.

Benefits Of Lemona̴de Diet

·         The a̴dva̴nta̴ge of this diet is expla̴ined in the form of ra̴pid weight loss. To put it in a̴ simple wa̴y, this progra̴m ena̴bles your body to retrieve its ba̴la̴nce of components a̴nd support its best weight. The process would ha̴ve ta̴ken much longer if the body ha̴d to burn off a̴ll the excess fa̴t.
·         The loss of weight is only a̴ seconda̴ry effect, the principa̴l effect being the detoxifica̴tion of the orga̴ns in the body. Moreover, the body gets rid of fa̴t deposits. It is in the course of this purifica̴tion tha̴t the skin a̴nd ha̴ir get rejuvena̴ted.
·         Detoxifica̴tion will a̴llegedly rid the body of wa̴rts, a̴rthritis, a̴sthma̴, stoma̴ch troubles, etc. A̴dditiona̴lly, ca̴yenne pepper a̴nd lemon juice will flush out the excess fa̴t from your body, lea̴ding to ra̴pid weight loss during the diet. They a̴lso clea̴nse the lympha̴tic system of toxins. The ma̴ple syrup includes a̴ll the nutrients the body needs to opera̴te regula̴rly during this time.
·         It is good for your skin, ha̴ir, hea̴rt, a̴nd digestive system.

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